
The Youth Ministry is a vibrant and dynamic ministry that offers an exciting and enriching environment for young people aged 11 – 19 years old. The ministry aims to provide a space for spiritual growth, accountability, and friendship for youths, with the goal of empowering and encouraging them to live a life of purpose and impact.

The Youth Ministry meets regularly and is structured around the 5Ws: Welcome, Worship, Word, Witness, and Warmth. During each gathering, new friends are welcomed through icebreakers, Christian music is played for worship, Scriptural truths are taught and applied during Word, and life testimonies of victorious youths are shared during Witness. The gathering ends with games, food, and fellowship during Warmth.

The Youth Ministry seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive space for young people to experience the fullness of life in Christ. The ministry encourages young people to point others to Jesus Christ through their speech and conduct, and to live out their faith in practical ways. Young people aged 19 and above are also welcomed to serve in the Youth Ministry, providing opportunities for mentorship and leadership development.

Overall, the Youth Ministry is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for young people to grow in their faith and relationship with God, while also fostering friendships, accountability, and community. Through its focus on the 5Ws, the ministry aims to equip young people to be confident and effective witnesses of Jesus Christ, and to live a life of purpose and impact.